Intentional Touch
Canine Massage
Who Can Benefit from Massage
Inactive dogs
increases rate and depth of respiration
benefits their skin, coat and joint mobilization
stimulates the lymphatic system which stimulates
and enhances the immune system
Active Dogs
benefits overworked and compensating muscles
increases strength, endurance and conditioning
encourages balance in the way they use their bodies
Indoor Dogs
Increases rate and depth of respiration
increases flexibility and blood circulation
End of Life Care
a gentle massage of empowerment offering support
and encouragement. It is palliative care.
comforts your dog's body and gentles his spirit
helps you and your dog bid each other, fare-thee-well
Excerpted from Pet Massage TM literature
Our mutual need to touch and be touched may be one reason why the bond between humans and dogs become so strong.
-Small Dog Place Blog